
This is what GreenInk thinks about Ecosia, and what you need to know.


Rae Schembra

What is veganism?

Veganism is a term used in reference to refraining from the use or consumption of animal products. A person who follows this diet is known as a vegan. Dietary vegans refrain from the consumption or usage of eggs, meat, dairy, etc. Ethical vegans refrain from using animal-tested products, animals, and animal products. People are mainly motivated to become vegan due to animal welfare (the wellbeing of animals/non-human creatures).

What are the benefits of veganism?

There are many health benefits that come with being vegan. These benefits include lower risk of cancer development, weight loss, improved digestion, increased fiber intake, diabetes (type 2), heart disease, etc. Veganism is beneficial to the environment because the use of animal products has a large negative effect on the environment. For example, the amount of grain feed used for meat contributes to the act of deforestation.

What are the negative effects of veganism?

Although veganism has a large positive impact on the environment, there are some negative effects that come with it. This includes the development of nutritional deficiencies which result in health complications, blood disorders, potential disorders of the nervous system, etc.