Marine Pollution

"Pollution of the ocean"

Marine Pollution

By Rae Schembra

What is pollution?

Pollution occurs when harmful substances (pollutants) are brought into the environment. Pollutants can be produced naturally, or by human actions. These pollutants include chemicals and trash that humans have discarded. The effects are great and have been a problem for organizations to control and reduce.

What effects does marine pollution result in?

There have been several serious effects that have been caused by the pollutants that are being put into the ocean, and they can severely harm the marine life in the location. The pollutants can harm to a degree that can even kill marine life and destroy ecosystems. This will throw the ocean ecosystem into chaos as this messes with the food chain. Ocean pollution has even harmed the coral reefs many different species rely on to survive. One way coral is affected is by impeding the growth of the coral. This has overall reduced the population of coral in areas affected by pollutants.